Bay Area Ridge Trail

Bay Area Ridge Trail

This dirt path can be accessed off of the Rollye Wiskerson trail near Channing Circle Park. (Other access points in Vallejo are available). The access point on the opposite end is at the rear of the KinderCare parking lot off Rose Drive (near Benicia Road).

Benicia Community Park Loop

Benicia Community Park Loop

This paved path can is in Benicia Community Park. The path makes a full loop around the park fields and playground area.

Benicia Community Park to McCallister Drive

Benicia Community Park to McCallister Drive

This dirt path can be accessed in the Benicia Community Park near the little league fields on the east side of the park (near the 2nd tee box for Disc Golf). The opposite access point is on McAllister Drive, between 624 & 652 McAllister.

Benicia Marina Path

Benicia Marina Path

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you around the walking path at the Marina.

Benicia State Recreation Area

Benicia State Recreation Area

This path is located in the Benicia State Recreation Area. Parking in the lots in the State Park requires the payment of a fee.

Camellia Court to Hastings Drive

Camellia Court to Hastings Drive

This paved path can be accessed on the east side of Park Solano at Camellia Court. The path crosses the road at Solano Drive at the intersection of Solano Drive and Hastings. The access point on the opposite end is on Hastings Drive (across the street from trail head for path from Hastings Drive to Palace Court).

Dillon Point at Benicia State Recreation Area

Dillon Point at Benicia State Recreation Area

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you along a dirt path in the Benicia State Recreation area, but is not suitable for road bikes. This a nice walk or a trail for mountain bikes.

Hastings Drive to Palace Court

Hastings Drive to Palace Court

This paved path can be accessed on Hastings Drive (approximately 601 Hastings). The access point on the opposite end is at the cul-de-sac of Palace Drive.

Historic Arsenal Path

Historic Arsenal Path

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you through downtown and the historic Benicia Arsenal.

Historica Downtown

Historica Downtown

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you around the downtown and historical districts near downtown Benicia

Kearney Drive to McAllister Drive

Kearney Drive to McAllister Drive

This paved path can be accessed on Kearney Street, just past McCall Drive (if coming from Rose Drive) opposite the Benicia Community Park. The other access point is on McAllister Drive, past Percy Drive on the left hand side of the road.

Lake Herman Loop

Lake Herman Loop

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you along the boundaries of the city limits and a bit into Vallejo

Lake Herman to Benicia Community Park

Lake Herman to Benicia Community Park

This partial paved/partial dirt path can be accessed at Lake Herman Park. The access point on the opposite end is in the Benicia Community Park near the Soroptimist Grove (northeast corner of park).

Palace Court to London Circle

Palace Court to London Circle

This dirt path can be accessed at the end of Palace Drive. The path crosses Cambridge Drive (at approximately the 0.3 mile mark) and can be accessed here as well. The opposite access point is on London Circle, near 1531 & 1543 London Circle.

Rollye Wiskerson Trail

Rollye Wiskerson Trail

This dirt path can be accessed in the Benicia Community Park on the north side of the park, either near the Soroptimist Grove (to get in a good uphill workout), or near the east side of the dog park (to avoid the first uphill section). The trail can be accessed mid-point (at about mile 1) through Gateway Park, on Barton Way. The trail crosses Bantry Way at approximately 1.5 miles (if starting at Benicia Community Park). The trail ends/intersects the Bay Area Ridge Trail just past Channing Circle Park on Channing Circle.

Rose Drive to Camellia Court

Rose Drive to Camellia Court

This path can be accessed at the sidewalk on the corner of Snapdragon Place and Rose Drive at the Jack London Park. The path goes through Jack London Park and runs along the south side of Joe Henderson Elementary School. The opposite access point is on Camellia Court (between 487 & 499 Camellia Court).

The Grand Tour Ride

The Grand Tour Ride

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you throughout the City of Benicia and includes some steep climbs/descents through residential neighborhoods.

Waterfront Path

Waterfront Path

From a brochure highlighting well loved biking/walking paths in Benicia, this route will take you along the beautiful Benicia waterfront.