Field Maintenance Guidelines

Field Maintenance Guidelines

Field maintenance of infields for softball and baseball are the responsbility of field users that have been allocated fields, or have rented fields, for the duration of the permit. Fields should be maintained and kept is good condition for ALL users, as fields are shared by several organizations. Leave the field in the best possible condition for the next user.

W Wendy Stratton Monahan
Assessment of Sports Fields

Assessment of Sports Fields

The City of Benicia manages 19 sports fields over 9 sites. These facilities are under enormous pressure from continual use. To ensure their playability and condition over the long term, some may be closed from time to time.

W Wendy Stratton Monahan
Special Conditions Agreement for Field Use

Special Conditions Agreement for Field Use

Attached is the required contract for field use to groups that are allocated field space as part of the Benicia Sports Board. This document must be signed and on file in order to use City facilities.

W Wendy Stratton Monahan
Sport Facility Use Manual

Sport Facility Use Manual

Please be familiar with the rules and regulations of field use and maintenance in the attached Sports Facility Use Manual.

W Wendy Stratton Monahan