A Day at the Park - Policies and Protocol

We welcome you to use our parks for exercise, leisure, and time with family and friends.

To make sure that everyone in our parks enjoys their stay, we ask that users become familiar with park use policies and protocols:

  • Parks open at sunrise and close at sunset.
  • Most picnic sites are first come, first served; picnic areas at Benicia Community Park, City Park and Jack London Park can be reserved.  For more information, visit www.ci.benicia.ca.us/parks
  • Alcohol is not permitted in any park, unless by permit issued by our department affiliated with a picnic site rental
  • Jumpers are not allowed in our parks, unless by permit affiliated with a picnic site rental.
  • Smoking is not permitted in parks.
  • Personal bbqs and generators are not allowed in parks due per fire code.
  • Use of sports fields for sanctioned/scheduled games/events is available by permit and advanced reservation.
  • Dogs must remain on leash at all times, except while in the Phenix Dog Park.
  • Please leave no trace, by picking up after your picnic/use, so that others may enjoy the community space.